Tuesday, July 15, 2008

backtracking: thoughts on worship

Some rambling thoughts I jotted in 2002....

True worship is the act of laying everything else aside and looking to God and His greatness, surrendering completely, wholly devoted; not just singing praises in church, but a lifestyle committed and completely devoted to serving Him, to His service which is altogether divine; and living in surrender to God. Living life in the footsteps of Jesus, to become as much like Him as possible in completely pure love with a humble heart that truly desires to honour Him. Worship is not a show. It is not something we do to impress one another; or to become better in their eyes; or to become set apart as 'more spiritual'; but rather is an act of dying to self; giving ourselves over completely to the Father and His work; walking His 'path'; giving Him all the glory and none to ourselves; or to our neighbor; or to our friend...only to God, for He is holy. Worship is responding to the way that God loved us by laying down His life for us; we respond by giving up our lives to Him.

Wow, hope I remember this throughout today.....

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