Sunday, April 25, 2010

lifted eyes

So I was walking up the beach the other day, heading back to my car with damp feet, when I looked up and noticed a clear pathway in the rocks. Dandy! you're probably saying. Thing is, I didn't see the path on my way down the beach, hence the wet feet. (Yeah, see to the left of the photo? That nice tidal pool that I picked my way through?)

I guess I was so absorbed in what I was thinking about that I headed straight through the water, hopping precariously from rock to seaweedy rock. On the way back when I saw the path over to the right, I realised how life is kinda like that. (I know... more parallels!) But I was so focused on my feet on the way down that I didn't even stop to take a look around me or note the scenery (not to mention the easier trail!) If you've read much of this blog in the early on days, you might remember the deal behind the name, Sunsets in Rearview Mirrors. Actually, the beach experience was pretty funny in the end, but it was just another reminder to think about the bigger picture out there. To not get stuck on the me-myself-and-I of what's happening (or not happening) in my world right now.

...forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal... [see Philippians 3:13-14]

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